Check Stations
The KQDC Deer Check Station will be open this year during the first three days of the regular rifle season. Saturday November 28, Sunday November 29th, Monday November 30th and the first Saturday December 5th. Hours of operation will be 10 AM to 6 PM. The check station will be at Timberdoodle Flats Trail Head […]
Deer Check Stations Open for Three Days During Deer Season
Deer hunters who harvest a deer on or near the Kinzua Quality Deer Cooperative (KQDC) are encouraged to bring their deer to the deer check stations open from 10:00am to 6:00pm on December 1, 2, and 6. Hunters who bring their deer to the check station will receive a free raffle ticket for a […]
Winner of KQDC Check Station Raffle
Here’s the 2013 Check Station gun raffle winner! This is R. Kaltenbaugh from Sandy Lake, PA with Ken Kane, from Generations Forestry representing the Bradford Water Authority of the KQDC, wearing the KQDC hats that we gave away this year.
Check Station surprises
Yesterday was off to a great start at the check stations. First day totals at the check stations Harrison’s 16, Willows 11 for a total of 27 deer checked. Biggest deer at the Willows was a 170 lb, 8 pt. that was 6 1/2 years old aged by Mary, one of our volunteers. We’ve added […]